
9 March 2020

Bishop’s messages

As we face the annual cold and flu season, with a severe outbreak of influenza in our region, complicated by concerns over the novel coronavirus, it is important we all understand and promote healthy practices in our parishes and schools. We are providing recommendations for our parishes, schools and personnel regarding public announcements and proactive measures; if you have not done so already, please review these as soon as possible on our website.

Parish secretaries and others involved in sacramental record-keeping, including as it relates to Tribunal cases, parish communications and safe environment record keeping are welcome to attend trainings on March 24, 10 am to 2 pm, at the diocesan Chancery, 2207 West Main St, Jefferson City. Lunch will be provided. To register, please contact Kris Hartmann at

Please include this invitation in parish bulletins and other communications:

Bishop W. Shawn McKnight invites you to attend our annual Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Church of St. Joseph, 2215 W. Main St., Jefferson City on Thursday, April 2, at 5:30 p.m.  This liturgy unites the diocese in recalling the gifts of the holy priesthood and the Most Holy Eucharist.  The Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumens are blessed and the Sacred Chrism is consecrated at this time.  These holy oils impact the lives of those who are preparing to enter into the Church, those who are ill, and all preparing for confirmation and holy orders. 

Please include this invitation in parish bulletins and other communications:

The Diocese of Jefferson City has formed a Catholic Rural Life Chapter. A Catholic Rural Life Chapter is a group individuals committed to upholding and supporting rural Catholic culture.  A CRL Chapter is a part of a family of chapters around the country.  With both the national CRL office and the local diocese behind them, they maintain with firm and unbending conviction that genuine rural culture is a priceless and utterly essential bulwark of a healthy, flourishing, community. A CRL Chapter seeks to foster and celebrate rural Catholic culture in their local area. If you live in a rural area of our diocese and wish to be part of our leadership team, please contact LeAnn Korsmeyer at 573-635-9127 ext. 222 or

Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRS)

CRS is the official international agency of the Catholic community in the U.S.  CRS provides emergency relief in time of famine, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.  It also supports agriculture, education, and economic development to help the poor.

The annual CRS collection will take place on March 21-22.  A letter from Bishop McKnight is available for insertion in your bulletins as a pdf or MSWord document the weekend of March 14-15; other resources, including social media posts, posters, bulletin inserts and prayer cards, are available from the USCCB, and below are suggested bulletin announcements.  Any questions, please contact Jake Seifert at 573-635-9127 ext. 227 or

Week Before the Collection

Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Funds from this collection provide food to the hungry, support displaced refugees, and bring Christ’s love and mercy to all people here and abroad. Next week, please give generously to the CRSC and help Jesus in disguise. Learn more about the collection at

Week of the Collection

This week, we take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to help Jesus in disguise. This collection helps six Catholic agencies to provide struggling communities with relief and support and to work for peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and sisters here and around the world. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection. Learn more about the collection at

Week After the Collection

Thank you for your generous support of The Catholic Relief Services Collection and for helping Jesus in disguise. Your contributions make a difference for the poor and marginalized around the world. If you missed the collection, it’s not too late! Just visit for more information on how to give.

Anuncios para el boletín

Semana antes de la Colecta

La próxima semana nuestra parroquia realizará The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Los fondos de esta colecta proporcionan comida al hambriento, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados y traen el amor y la misericordia de Cristo a todos los pueblos aquí y en el extranjero. La próxima semana, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a la CRSC. Es Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Más información sobre la colecta en

Semana de la Colecta

Esta semana realizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection para ayudar a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Esta Colecta ayuda a seis agencias católicas a fin de brindar alivio y apoyo a las comunidades que luchan por salir adelante y a trabajar por la paz y la reconciliación entre nuestras hermanas y hermanos marginados, aquí y alrededor del mundo. Por favor, en oración, consideren la manera de apoyar a esta Colecta. Más información sobre esta Colecta en

Semana después de la Colecta

Muchas gracias por su generoso apoyo a The Catholic Relief Services Collection y por ayudar a Jesús con otro rostro. Sus contribuciones hacen una diferencia para el pobre y el marginado alrededor del mundo. ¡Si no alcanzaron a dar en la colecta, todavía lo pueden hacer! Para más información sobre cómo contribuir, visiten

Pastoral planning

I am grateful to the many pastors, members of our parish pastoral councils and small group coordinators who are leading our efforts for small groups to discern the pastoral plan for our parishes and our diocese. Please note the resources are available on our website at I am also asking that we pray together in the month of March for the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and understanding as our local church discerns a new pastoral plan.

As a reminder:

The annual Lenten regulations and obligations are available on our website. Please visit for more information. Please click on the graphic above for resources from Catholic Relief Services. Other Lenten resources are listed below.


Applications for the 2020-2021 Simon Scholarship and Warack Scholarship are being accepted through March 31, 2020. Applications can be acquired through the pastor or parish life collaborator or may be downloaded at

An Invitation from the Parishioners of St. Boniface in Koeltztown:  The beautiful and historic rectory in Koeltztown has recently been updated, cleaned and is now ready to welcome and accommodate all individual priests and priest support groups from the Jefferson City Diocese who would like a quiet place to meet and visit. You are welcome for a day, an overnight stay, or longer. There are several bedrooms, two full baths and currently enough beds to accommodate eight. The old house has a wonderful, modern kitchen, beautiful dining room and a deck with glorious views of the pastoral landscape.  Jesus said to them, `Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.’  Contact Father Matthew Flatley at 573-202-3590 or for more information. 

Sixth Grade Vocation Day

Registration for the annual Sixth Grade Vocation Day, hosted at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City on Wednesday, May 6, is open. Promotional material, registration information and more is available at Registration deadline is March 20. Please contact our Vocation Office with any questions at 573.635.9127 ext. 237 or email

Oregon Catholic Press is offering grants to parishes seeking to enhance their worship experience. Learn mroe at

Deacon Edwin Pacheco of St. Mary Parish in Milan is seeking music stands. If you can assist, please contact him at or 660-292-2824.

Employment opportunities: There are several openings in our Catholic schools. Please promote these openings.

St. Thomas More Newman Center in Columbia is seeking a part-time Campus Ministry Office Assistant to provide administrative, secretarial, and clerical support to the Campus Ministry Team as they minister to the college students. An ideal candidate will have attention to detail, work management and prioritizing skills, organizational skills, flexibility, and reliability. For more information or the complete job description, email

Parishes are asked to use this form to send any updates of their parishioners: address changes, marriages, divorces, death, etc.

As a reminder:

  • Parishes are asked to publish in their bulletins the need for relief parents at St. Nicholas Academy. You can find the listing here.
  • Please consider posting this helpful information for your parishioners on how to identify email and text scams.
  • In the interest of time and accuracy, The Catholic Missourian has moved to a simple online process for submitting events for the Things to Do page. To have an event considered for publication in Things to Do and in the diocesan online events calendar, go to and follow the directions. The process is straightforward and user-friendly. Events submitted for display advertising will be automatically included in Things to Do, as will items that have been previously submitted.

Upcoming events

Please consider promoting these events in your bulletins, other print publications, on your website and in other digital sites. Please use the description in our online event page (links provided for each event) for your print products. You may find more events on our diocesan website.

Protecting God’s Children workshops
The Catholic Church in the United States is committed to providing safe environments in all of our ministries and activities, especially those involving children and youth. One aspect of our commitment is that anyone who works with minors in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jefferson City receive training. For a full list of trainings currently available, please visit our Virtus site and select “Jefferson City, MO (Diocese),” or go to our Events page and filter by “Protecting God’s Children.”

Encuentro de Grupos Base- El Comité Diocesano de la Renovación Carismática Católica invita a todos los Grupos Base RCC a un segundo encuentro que tendrá como fin la reflexión, el crecimiento, la unidad como movimiento para continuar trabajando juntos en la misión de evangelizar en el poder del Espíritu Santo.

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers essential to a woman’s health and fertility. These biomarkers tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy, as well as telegraph abnormalities in the woman’s health. The CrMS is also the basis for the new women’s health science, NaProTechnology (natural procreative technology). Learning takes place through a series of private follow ups by a FertilityCare Practitioner after an Introductory Session is attended. A session is being offered on March 23, 6 pm, at 1601 N. Bishop, Rolla.

Planificación Familiar Natural –Atención a TODAS las parejas: Curso de planificación familiar para todas las parejas que deseen posponer o lograr embarazos de una manera natural y efectiva. Además, les permitirá disfrutar y vivir el don de su sexualidad a plenitud. ¡Los esperamos! Informes: Oscar y Mairena (660) 631-7092 o José y Sandra (660) 202-7575

Retiro de Inicio – Marzo 21-22, St. Peter, Marshall Una experiencia única de encuentro con Jesús resucitado, quien nos invita a vivir una vida nueva y abundante con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo. ¡Te esperamos! Informes: Marcelino 660-631-3748.

El grupo de oración RCC Preciosa Sangre invita a todas las familias a disfrutar de este gran concierto en un ambiente de alabanza y oración. ¡Los esperamos! Informes: Yolanda y Vicente 660-287-7317

Pre-Cana -March 28: Conference Room A-B-C (lower level) at SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital, 2505 Mission Drive,  Jefferson City, 65109

Pre-Cana is one component of the marriage preparation options available to couples that are considering marriage within the Catholic Church. The conference itself consists of presentations by couples and individuals on topics that are of a practical as well as a spiritual nature.
Pre-Cana is a one day experience to prepare engaged couples to begin their formal marriage preparation process. The class includes a series of talks and activities on topics such as: marriage as a sacrament, the vows, sexuality in the marriage, Natural Family Planning and more.
For more information and registration go to:

The Retrouvaille Program is for married couples facing difficult challenges in their relationship. A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, for couples of all faiths or no faith background, it is primarily a practical program to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect. Presenters are not trained marriage counselors, but couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love. The next session is May 29 in Kansas City, KS. For more information and registration go to:

Please feel free to disseminate the information in this Monday Morning Memo to a broader audience, such as parishioners and school families! Is there someone else who should receive this Weekly Memo? Please encourage them to sign up here