
17 February 2020

Bishop’s messages

I am grateful to the many pastors, members of our parish pastoral councils and small group coordinators who attended our launch of the diocesan pastoral planning process this past week. In addition to the large gathering on Feb. 8, we had meetings with our pastors during this past week.

Please note that the resources are available on our website at I am also asking that we pray together in the month of March for the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and understanding as our local church discerns a new pastoral plan.

Parish secretaries and others who distribute communications to parishioners can coordinate communication with pastoral councils and the small group coordinators regarding announcements. For those who are organizing the small groups, it is recommend you encourage participants to watch the video of Bishop Barron before the first meeting. It is available online and can be downloaded in advance of viewing. Please be sure to read the next issue of The Catholic Missourian and check out our website to learn how everyone can participate!

Pastors, please remember you must register your youth for the Youth Summit by Feb. 28. More info is below; click on the graphic for the registration page.

In case you missed our announcement on Friday, I have appointed Father Stephen Jones as diocesan director of stewardship and Kenya Fuemmeler as president and principal of Helias Catholic High School. Both of these appointments are effective July 1. I am looking forward to working with both Ms. Fuemmeler and Father Jones in their new roles in service to our local diocese. Their leadership and vision are a great blessing!

As a reminder:


Sixth Grade Vocation Day

Registration for the annual Sixth Grade Vocation Day, hosted at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City on Wednesday, May 6, is open. Promotional material, registration information and more is available at Registration deadline is March 20. Please contact our Vocation Office with any questions at 573.635.9127 ext. 237 or email

The annual Lenten regulations and obligations are available on our website. Please visit for more information.

With Ash Wednesday on Feb. 26, Lent is approaching fast. Now is a good time to make sure your parish or school has all the CRS Rice Bowl materials you need to make this Lent a meaningful, faith-filled experience.  If you haven’t received your materials, or if you haven’t participated in CRS Rice Bowl in the past but would like to do so now, please go to to order bowls, calendars and explore other available resources. The theme “For Lent For Life” reminds us that through CRS Rice Bowl U.S. Catholics are feeding the hungry of the world as well as the hungry at home.

Applications for the 2020-2021 Simon Scholarship and Warack Scholarship are being accepted through March 31, 2020. Applications can be acquired through the pastor or parish life collaborator or may be downloaded at

Employment opportunities: There are several openings in our Catholic schools. Please promote these openings.

St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City is seeking applicants for the position of Rectory and Church Cleaner. This is a part time position (20-30 hours per week). Please contact the St. Peter Parish Office for a complete job description or more information, call 573-636-8159.

St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City is seeking applicants for the position of Campus Custodian. This is a full-time, benefits eligible position. Please contact the St. Peter Parish Office for a complete job description or more information, call 573-636-8159.

Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri is seeking a Director of Development & Outreach to lead our fundraising, marketing, public relations, and grant application and management efforts.   Applicants must possesses a strong commitment to the mission of Catholic Charities including the understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and ability to demonstrate the philosophy and values of the agency.   To learn more and apply:

Parishes are asked to use this form to send any updates of their parishioners: address changes, marriages, divorces, death, etc.

As a reminder:

  • Parishes are asked to publish in their bulletins the need for relief parents at St. Nicholas Academy. You can find the listing here.
  • Please consider posting this helpful information for your parishioners on how to identify email and text scams.
  • In the interest of time and accuracy, The Catholic Missourian has moved to a simple online process for submitting events for the Things to Do page. To have an event considered for publication in Things to Do and in the diocesan online events calendar, go to and follow the directions. The process is straightforward and user-friendly. Events submitted for display advertising will be automatically included in Things to Do, as will items that have been previously submitted.

Upcoming events

Please consider promoting these events in your bulletins, other print publications, on your website and in other digital sites. Please use the description in our online event page (links provided for each event) for your print products. You may find more events on our diocesan website.

Protecting God’s Children workshops
The Catholic Church in the United States is committed to providing safe environments in all of our ministries and activities, especially those involving children and youth. One aspect of our commitment is that anyone who works with minors in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jefferson City receive training. For a full list of trainings currently available, please visit our Virtus site and select “Jefferson City, MO (Diocese),” or go to our Events page and filter by “Protecting God’s Children.”

Forty Days for Life

From Feb. 26 through April 5, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Columbia Planned Parenthood, 711 N Providence Rd, Columbia and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Kathy Forck 573 821 5130 or


A Forty Days for Life Opening Rally will be held Feb. 25 at Our Lady of Lourdes, 903 Bernadette, Flanagan Hall, Columbia. We’ll begin with a potluck rally at 5:30 pm.  Bring a dish to share.  Program to follow and at 7:00 pm, we will carpool to Columbia Planned Parenthood for a short candlelight vigil to kick off the 21st Prayer Campaign outside the Columbia PP. For more information, call Kathy Forck, 572-821-5130, or visit

“Walk in Her Sandals,” a conference hosted by the diocesan Women’s Ministry, will be held March 7, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral in Jefferson City.  Mrs. Kelly Wahlquist, founder of WINE: Women in the New Evangelization and author of Created to Relate, is our featured speaker.  To register, visit  For questions or concerns, please contact LeAnn Korsmeyer or Erin Boeckmann at 573-635-9127 or email

Please feel free to disseminate the information in this Monday Morning Memo to a broader audience, such as parishioners and school families! Is there someone else who should receive this Weekly Memo? Please encourage them to sign up here