Faithful gather to mourn for those lost to abortion
It was as close to the sidewalk as the babies could get.
–Catholic Missourian
The Memorial to the Unborn, which usually adorns a grassy area near St. Andrew Church in Holt Summit, had been moved temporarily to a concrete walkway near the door while repairs were being made to the building.
The stone memorial reminds people to pray for the millions of pre-born children who have been lost to abortion.
“I find it fitting today that God brought the babies to us on the sidewalk,” St. Andrew parishioner Kathy Forck, co-coordinator of the Columbia 40 Days for Life Campaign, stated during a local observance of the National Day of Remembrance for the Aborted.
40 Days for Life participants spend hours praying on the sidewalk outside the Columbia Planned Parenthood, where thousands of abortions were performed and where abortion referrals continue.
With the memorial in its temporary location, “God brought the babies to us today,” said Mrs. Forck.
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