St. Stanislaus Church renewed, rededicated
The bishop and priest raised their eyes and hands toward heaven, gathering the prayers of the people and imploring the Father to receive them.
–Catholic Missourian
“Truly this is an exalted place,” Bishop W. Shawn McKnight prayed, “where the sacrifice of Christ is ever offered in mystery, where perfect praise is rendered to You, and redemption flows forth for us.”
They stood before the ornate new altar the bishop had just blessed with holy water and consecrated with the Oil of Sacred Chrism.
“Here,” Bishop McKnight continued praying, “the faithful drink of Your Spirit from the streams that flow from Christ, the spiritual rock, through Whom they, too, become a holy oblation, a living altar.”
All around them, familiar and timeless aspects of St. Stanislaus Church in Wardsville had been refurbished and augmented with things that are new and equally timeless.
African mahogany that had scarcely begun to grow when the church was built in the 1920s had been fashioned into an impressive altar, pulpit and repository for the Most Blessed Sacrament.