
Nurses helping parishes integrate physical, spiritual health

Lucy Brenner, standing, addresses a gathering of Faith Community Nurses who serve in the Jefferson City diocese, during one of their quarterly gatherings in the Cathedral of St. Joseph Undercroft.

While ministering in the flesh, Jesus made a point of healing and restoring people to their rightful place in their communities.
Parishes in the Jefferson City diocese are discovering an effective way to help Him continue that mission: Parish Health Ministry, carried out by Faith Community Nurses, also known as parish nurses.
Parish Health Ministry is a process for parishes to integrate the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of individuals and the parish as a whole.
Parish nurses promote health and help prevent disease by tending to the whole person.
“People’s spiritual and physical needs are so intertwined. Our goal is to make sure both are being attended to,” said Georgia Anderson, one of four parish nurses at Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Columbia.
Each parish nurse is a registered nurse who is trained and certified in the mission and proper protocols of Parish Health Ministry.

Catholic Missourian

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