Aug. 26, 2019
Bishop’s messages
Monthly Prayer Intention
Please be so kind as to make this a part of your group and private prayer. Please add this intention to your parish bulletins and newsletters as well as to your parish Eucharistic Adoration Chapels. Graphics for bulletin inserts and social media are available on our website.
For first responders; that God’s holy angels may watch over and protect those who place themselves in harm’s way to serve their neighbors.
Por el personal de primeros auxilios; para que los santos ángeles de Dios velen y protejan a quienes se ponen en peligro por servir a los demás.
With more than 500 visitors, the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg is in need of confessors for the Sept. 8 annual Fall Pilgrimage. The sacrament of penance is available from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Any assistance during that time is welcomed. Please contact Msgr. Greg Higley at or 573-469-5900. Those priests able to arrive early enough for lunch will be treated to a delicious hot German meal at noon!
All priests are invited to the annual social and dinner hosted by St. Andrew 50+ Club on Oct. 17, beginning at 6 p.m., at Veit Hall, St. Andrew Parish, Holt Summit. You may rsvp at or 573-896-5010.
Please use this bulletin announcement and graphic to promote the Missouri Catholic Conference’s Annual Assembly, which will be Oct. 5 in Jefferson City. You can find more information on the MCC’s website and my letter of invitation and registration information is available here.
The Catholic Bishops of Missouri invite you to attend the Annual Assembly of the Missouri Catholic Conference on Saturday, October 5, in Jefferson City. Come learn about public policy from the experts who are involved in advocacy on a daily basis. The theme of this year’s gathering is “Raising the Next Generation of Catholic Advocates.” The event is free and includes lunch and childcare for children above four years of age. A youth track is available for students in middle school and up and includes a mock legislature where students can debate bills on the floor of the Missouri Senate. To register for the event, go to or call 1-800-456-1679. See you on October 5th!
As a reminder:
- Bishop’s prayer intention for September
- Breaking the Silence of Abuse – resources for bulletins and web. Also, please publicize upcoming Protecting God’s Children (Virtus) workshops.
Sept. 7 deadline to register for FEMA assistance: Please alert parishioners and others! A flyer is available for posting. Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri (CCCNMO) reminds individuals who have experienced damage to homes or businesses in the recent tornadoes or flooding to register immediately with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to be considered for financial assistance. The registration deadline is Sept. 7. Options for registering include:
• Call toll-free: 1-800-621-3362
• Online:
• Download the FEMA mobile app.
The Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Ministry Office invites you to gather your gal pals and join our newly formed diocesan-wide book club. Our first book is entitled, “girl, arise” and is written by Claire Swinarksi. This book promises to be “smart, witty, and fearless” with an invitation to “live boldly, love your faith and change the world.” Discussion questions will be available Oct. 1 at or on our Facebook page, Jefferson City Diocesan Women’s Ministry. The book may be purchased through many outlets including Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Ava Maria Press. For more information, contact LeAnn Korsmeyer, Coordinator of Women’s Ministry, at 573-635-9127 or
Nurse Now Program
Are you using the Nurse Now Program for reporting work comp injuries? Do you have this information posted at your school/parish? This topic was introduced at the Principal/Pastor meeting in early August. If you need additional posters, please contact Cheryl Hertfelder, diocesan director of Human Resources. Parishes incur additional fees if work-related injuries are not reported within 24 hours. The Nurse Now Program is designed to guide the injured worker to the appropriate care level while responsibly managing workers compensation costs. Our first priority is safety for our employees so please use the material that is provided.
As a reminder:
- Parishes are asked to publish in their bulletins the need for relief parents at St. Nicholas Academy. You can find the listing here.
- New job openings at the Chancery – please post!
- How to identify email and text scams.
- In the interest of time and accuracy, The Catholic Missourian has moved to a simple online process for submitting events for the Things to Do page. To have an event considered for publication in Things to Do and in the diocesan online events calendar, go to and follow the directions. The process is straightforward and user-friendly. Events submitted for display advertising will be automatically included in Things to Do, as will items that have been previously submitted.
Upcoming events
Please consider promoting these events in your bulletins, other print publications, on your website and in other digital sites. Please use the description in our online event page (links provided for each event) for your print products. You may find more events on our diocesan website.
Protecting God’s Children workshops
The Catholic Church in the United States is committed to providing safe environments in all of our ministries and activities, especially those involving children and youth. One aspect of our commitment is that anyone who works with minors in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jefferson City receive training. For a full list of trainings currently available, please visit our Virtus site and select “Jefferson City, MO (Diocese),” or go to our Events page and filter by “Protecting God’s Children.”
When Jesus was born of this earth over 2000 years ago, He entered a culture which had forgotten the message of God’s Grace. Today, many of us are living in that same culture. Join us on Sept. 3, 7 p.m. or Sept. 6, 9 a.m., at St. George in Linn for a great discussion on how allowing the Spirit to work within us can bring about the change we wish to see in our own life and in the lives of those around us. For questions or to RSVP, contact LeAnn Korsmeyer at 573-635-9127 (ext. 222) or
A Healing Prayer Service in the Jefferson City Diocese. Please join us for an Ecumenical Healing Prayer Service for all those individual and families affected by the opiate crisis and or from addictions/compulsions of any kind. We will gather on Friday, Sept. 6 at Immaculate Conception Church in Jefferson City with the doors opening at 6 p.m. This very special event will include: Open 12 Step Meetings ; seasoned sponsors from various 12 Step Programs; priests of our diocese will be available for reconciliation. A healing prayer service will begin at 8 p.m. with the opportunity for a special blessing and commitment to recovery and healing, followed with fellowship and hospitality. There’s more information in The Catholic Missourian and in the flyer available for download. If you have any questions, please e-mail Fr. Matthew Flatley (Diocesan Moderator of Spiritual Formation.)
FertilityCare Practitioner Program
FertilityCare Practitioner Program. FertilityCare Center of Kansas City Teacher Education Program is pleased to announce a new FertilityCare Practitioner Program beginning Sept. 7 to 14 to be held at the Chancery in Jefferson City. Program director is Phyllis A. White, CFCE, of Sacred Heart Parish in Columbia. Medical Consultant is Dr. Mark F. Stegman, OBGYN, CFCMC of St. Louis. Information and application materials can be found at under FCP Training.
This Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner Program is a 13-month program with two Education Phases and two Supervised Practicum. Dates for Education Phase I are Sep 7-14 and Education Phase II are March 7-12, 2020. Students begin teaching at their own home location immediately after EPI. Questions: Phyllis White or 816-550-8789.
La Planificación Familiar Natural (PFN) – Sept. 14, Centro Pastoral, JC
La planificación familiar natural (PFN) es el término que se maneja para referirse a los métodos de planificación familiar que son naturales, científicos, moralmente buenos y eficaces para lograr o posponer embarazos. No son los antiguos métodos naturales que no tienen bases científicas y no funcionan. Estos métodos están basados en la observación de los signos y síntomas naturales de las faces fértiles e infértiles del ciclo menstrual de la mujer.
La PFN no utiliza las drogas, los artefactos o procedimientos quirúrgicos que comúnmente son ineficaces y dañinos para la salud. Además, éstos respetan la naturaleza unitiva y procreativa del acto conyugal según el diseño de Dios del amor conyugal.
Estos métodos le ayudarán a lograr o posponer embarazos de una manera efectiva y sin las dañinas consecuencias de todos los anticonceptivos. Además, les permitirá disfrutar y vivir su sexualidad a plenitud y fortalecer su relación mutua y con Dios. Si está pensando en casarse, está en preparación matrimonial, vive con su pareja o está casado/a, tiene hijos o no, ¡NO LO PIENSE MÁS!
Rosary Congress Oct. 5-11
Our Lady has instructed us to “pray with the heart.” To pray with the heart is a decision to set aside everything, to concentrate, and to persevere in a pure prayer. For the first time the Diocese of Jefferson City will join with many dioceses across the country for the Rosary Congress Oct. 5-11. Each parish can determine its means of participating to for healing in our Church, for more vocations, and for our country. Let’s set our parishes on fire with a mission of love and consecrate our hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For more information, visit or email
Are you or a loved one suffering from abortion? Find hope and allow God to heal your heart by attending a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat. The last retreat of 2019 to be held in the Kansas City area will be Oct. 25-27. For more information or to register, contact Teresa O’Donnell at 816-679-4973 or (please note: you might have to check your spam folder for the guaranteed email reply) or visit