“She Believed She Could, So She Did”
I was in a small boutique when I first read these words written on a canvas, “She believed she could, so she did”. For some reason it kept drawing me in until I bought it. The canvas has moved with me every time the location of my desk has changed. It has been a constant reminder to stay the course and not give up; to believe in myself.
What appealed to me the most about the saying is the “she” in it stood for “me”. The truth is, I haven’t always believed in myself. I didn’t know what I was capable of. Somehow, through the years, I’d let other people decide my fate. It was only when I reached out to God to help me figure out His plan for my life, did I begin to realize I had a future full of successes.
Upon our creation, God gave us the desire to know, love and serve Him. When we act on those desires, our gifts will manifest themselves and be sharpened only to be used for His greater glory. God knows where you are supposed to be going. And He knows how to get you there. But we must be connected to Him to bring about His good into the world. It is there that the peace of God will reign in your heart.
The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that we must not “conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed” by the renewing of our minds. And Colossians 3:2 says to “set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Discipline your physical mind to connect with the amazing spiritual blessings we are given, through the Holy Spirit.
And so, I ask you, who is your “she”? Who are you in Christ? What words or sayings inspire you to move forward in positive ways? Throw away the negative words you hear in your head and find positive and encouraging books to read, journal your goals and ambitions or find a friend you can share affirmations with. It will do your soul good. Then rest easy; God’s assurance blanket’s your life. “God is with her; she will not fall” Psalm 46:5.
Mrs. Korsmeyer welcomes your ideas and suggestions for a strong women’s minsitry. She can be reached at or (573) 635-9127, ext. 222