Archive for July 2019
Fr. Berhorst ordained to Priesthood; told by bishop to reconcile, heal
The Church stands to benefit profoundly from the witness of a new generation of priests. Entering a broader mission field in thinner numbers, these new priests will play an essential…
Read MoreJuly 22, 2019
As a reminder: Bishop’s prayer intention for August Breaking the Silence of Abuse – resources for bulletins and web. Also, please publicize upcoming Protecting God’s Children (Virtus) workshops. Notices Carla…
Read MoreFR. MERZ — The flesh is the hinge of salvation
If you ever have religious conversations with our Protestant brothers and sisters, chances are you’ve been asked why Catholics insist on keeping Christ on the cross. Protestant places of worship…
Read MoreLocal deacons serve as bridges in wake of tornado, floods
Bishop W. Shawn McKnight once wrote that deacons “should work to connect the people of God with their local leader, the bishop, and the Church with the needs of the…
Read MoreJuly 15, 2019
Bishop’s message The appeal for our diocesan Missions is set for the weekend of July 20-21. We have many resources to help parishes promote this collection, which gives each of…
Read MoreSSM Health-St. Mary’s presents $25,000 gift for disaster relief
SSM Health-St. Mary’s Hospitals in Jefferson City and Audrain County recently donated $25,000 to the Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri’s Disaster Relief Fund, citing a renewed emphasis on…
Read MoreRally celebrates birthdays that will happen thanks to new law
“A woman who was conceived in an act of violence against her mother has a message for people who think there should be exceptions in laws regulating abortion. “I did…
Read MoreThe keys to Daddy’s Cadillac
We may not be helping people determine how to invest millions of dollars, but we do have a responsibility to safeguard something also very valuable…
Read MoreMAKING CONNECTIONS — Mass intentions and offerings
“What is an offering for a Mass intention? For some, their first encounter with a Mass offering is at a funeral service. There’s those piles of envelopes, obviously meant for…
Read MoreFather Jason Doke to serve as moderator of the curia
“Father Jason T. Doke understands a moderator to be someone who brings unity and clear direction to people who work together for a common purpose. In his case, those people…
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