
July 15, 2019

In this issue:

Bishop’s message

The appeal for our diocesan Missions is set for the weekend of July 20-21. We have many resources to help parishes promote this collection, which gives each of us an opportunity to reflect on the question of who is our neighbor. You can find a letter from me in English and Spanish, graphics for use in bulletins and on social media, videos that can be shared and more on the Missions landing page of our website. If you think a separate insert is more effective for your parishioners, please feel free to print the copies you need and deduct the cost from the collection proceeds. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Saucier. Thank you for your generous support of this important way not only to support our neighbors, but for all of us to live our call to stewardship.

The deadline of July 22 is quickly approaching to finalize the schedule for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation in 2019-2020.  Attached is a form every parish needs to submit to schedule confirmation in the year ahead.  This confirmation cycle marks the first year in our transition process to lower the age. Thus, there are several changes to the response form and age policy. In addition, I have approved three options by which parishes can choose to administer the sacrament during the three-year transition phase. Please read the cover letter carefully and complete the form at your earliest convenience. It is due in our Office of Youth Ministry no later than July 22. Finally, the attachment includes a “frequently asked questions” section intended to provide clarification on common questions that may arise. Please contact John DeLaporte with questions at 573-635-9127, ext. 233, or

As a reminder:


Great resource for men groups: Inspired by Servant of God Father Emil Kapaun, Kapaun’s Men unites men in prayer, formation and discussion in order to help us courageously respond to God’s universal call to holiness and become better husbands, fathers, leaders and friends.  If you are interested in getting a Kapaun’s Men group established in your parish, find more information at or contact Scott Carter at

Our new Human Resources director, Cheryl Hertfelder, has posted an article on how to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act. Pastors and staff are encouraged to review and consider using the tool provided in the article.

Please follow this link to the June newsletter of the Bishops Committee on Divine Worship.
The Weekly Wrap, a new column published each Friday from the Catholic Schools office, is intended to keep our principals and their pastors updated on school matters. The blog can be found on the landing page of the Catholic Schools Office.

The printed Diocesan Directories have arrived at the Chancery! Priests, deacons, religious, principals and parish staff are welcome to stop by the Chancery between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to pick up their directories.

Of course, there will be out-of-date information and incorrect information in the Directory. As you review your information, please use this page to alert us of updates/changes. This is the ONLY way we can ensure we are providing these changes to the proper offices and databases!

Please note all the information in the printed Directory is also available on our website!

Who’s driving whom? “We may not be helping people determine how to invest millions of dollars, but we do have a responsibility to safeguard something also very valuable…”  Director of Diocesan Communications, Helen Osman, shares how insight on protecting information while managing parish communication tools on our Communications blog this week!

A parishioner in Marshall has a Wurlitzer organ in excellent condition; she would like very much to donate it to a parish or school. Please call Diane Dudenhoeffer for more details at 660-631-0696.

Please consider printing this bulletin announcement or including the attached flyer:

Do you have a loved one or family member who is incarcerated? Are you looking for a safe, welcoming community? Kolbe Family Ministry is a support group designed to accompany family members on their journey. All are welcome, regardless of faith affiliation, as are children, although advance notice of children is encouraged. Meetings are confidential and there is no cost to you. Contact us at 573.635.7719, ext. 7, or KFM is a ministry of Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri.

As a reminder:

Upcoming events

Please consider promoting these events in your bulletins, other print publications, on your website and in other digital sites. Please use the description in our online event page (links provided for each event) for your print products. You may find more events on our diocesan website.

Protecting God’s Children workshops
The Catholic Church in the United States is committed to providing safe environments in all of our ministries and activities, especially those involving children and youth. One aspect of our commitment is that anyone who works with minors in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jefferson City receive training. For a full list of trainings currently available, please visit our Virtus site and select “Jefferson City, MO (Diocese),” or go to our Events page and filter by “Protecting God’s Children.”

Are you longing for more in your Catholic faith life? Are you looking for sound inspirations to carry you through on your Christian journey?  CURSILLO (pronounced Ker-SEE-yo) may be for you. It’s a 3 Day Weekend of Catholic learning and faith-sharing.  There are most likely people in your own parish who have made a Cursillo and can help you understand how Cursillo will help you find connections within yourself, with Jesus and putting your faith into action with others. Contact Marcia Doll at 573-999-5066 to help you find a local Cursillista to help you decide if an upcoming Cursillo will be a blessing for you!
Men’s Cursillo weekend is Oct. 24-27; women’s Cursillo is Nov. 7-10; both will be held at St. Pius X in Moberly. For more information check out the Cursillo link at the Diocese website at