
May 6, 2019

In this issue:

Bishop’s messages

See more pictures at the Catholic Missourian!

We are blessed with 13 new deacons in our Diocese! Thank you to everyone who participated in the celebration on Saturday. You can find a video of the Mass online.

As a reminder:


Father Joe Corel is seeking information regarding the extent of Catholic jail ministry in our diocese. If you know someone who is involved in Catholic jail ministry, or about visits to jails by volunteers or ministers, please take a moment to complete this survey: Please also consider including this information in parish communications.

If parishes haven’t done so already, it is time to collect and submit the proceeds from the CRS Rice Bowl.  One quarter (25%) of the money collected can be retained by the parish for local programs that address the needs of the hungry and the poor.  If you have any questions, please contact Mark Saucier at 573-635-9127 or  Thank you for all you do to promote the important work of Catholic Relief Services!

The Diocesan Safety Committee assists parishes and schools in providing safe workplace environments for employees, students and the public. The Diocesan Safety Committee reviews workplace claims, offers suggestions to improve safety in work environments and sends out monthly safety bulletins. It also provides financial assistance through a Safety Grant program. Parishes, schools and other diocesan employers may apply for grants up to $2,500 to meet safety needs and concerns. Deadline for applying for this year’s grant cycle is May 31. Please submit grant applications by email or by postal mail to the Diocese, to the attention of the Finance Office, Safety Grant. Questions may be addressed to Deacon Joe Braddock, 573.635.9127.

As a reminder:

Upcoming events

Please consider promoting these events in your bulletins, other print publications, on your website and in other digital sites. Please use the description in our online event page (links provided for each event) for your print products. You may find more events on our diocesan website.

Protecting God’s Children workshops
The Catholic Church in the United States is committed to providing safe environments in all of our ministries and activities, especially those involving children and youth. One aspect of our commitment is that anyone who works with minors in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jefferson City receive training. For a full list of trainings currently available, please visit our Virtus site and select “Jefferson City, MO (Diocese),” or go to our Events page and filter by “Protecting God’s Children.”

The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church, in Laurie, is inviting all to a pilgrimage May 11, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You can find more information on their website, or use this flyer to promote the pilgrimage.

Creighton Introductory Session, May 11, Kirksville

The 7th Flores de Mayo and Santa Cruzan Celebration is May 18, Cathedral of St. Joseph, Jefferson City. The linked flyer/graphic has more information.

Creighton Introductory Session, May 20, St. James

Retrouvaille, May 31, Kansas City

Primer Congreso Mariano para la Familia/First Marian Conference for Families, June 1, Laurie. Please also see graphic below.

The NPM Jefferson City, MO Diocesan Chapter will be hosting
“Night of Spiritual Nourishment for Music Ministers” on June 6 at Our Lady of Lourdes in Columbia. For more information and to register, visit (The link URL is case sensitive.)

Retrouvaille, June 7, St. Louis

Deadline extended to May 10:

Salt & Light Mission Trip – Deadline has been extended until May 10!

Summer youth camps

There are several youth camps available this summer. Please check them out!

Camp Maccabee 2019

Camp Maccabee was founded in 2009 with the purpose of forming bold, Catholic, masculine leaders. Since then, the camp has evolved into a much-anticipated summer event for many young Catholic men (grades 9-12) across the Diocese of Jefferson City. Camps are in St. Roberts on June 16-21,
June 23-28, and July 21-26. For more information visit


An authentically Catholic service retreat for high school students to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church where a safe environment is created for each retreatant to ask the question, “Who is God the Father creating me to become?” Retreatants are divided into teams. In the course of a week, each team goes to five different service sites. In the evening, everyone is brought back together where spectacular life nights filled with uplifting Christian music and activities allow the retreatants to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ, each other and themselves. Camp is at Helias Catholic High School in Jefferson City on July 14-20. For more information visit

Camp Siena

Camp Siena is a summer camp experience committed to helping young Catholic women (grades 9-12) deepen their relationship with God and others by exercising, understanding, and living their unique feminine spirituality and becoming the woman God is calling them to be. It is offered July 28-Aug. 1. For more information, visit

National Catholic Youth Conference: Nov. 21-23
May 13 is the deadline to register for the 2019 National Catholic Youth Conference, to be held Nov. 21-23 in Indianapolis. Visit for more details and promotional material.